Magnolia All Day

Global dining options round the clock

24 hours 50x50

24 hours

Diverse menu 50x50

Diverse menu

Cozy atmosphere 50x50

Cozy atmosphere

Magnolia All Day Dining at the Grand Hotel ensures an around-the-clock culinary journey with a diverse and extensive menu, accommodating a spectrum of tastes and individual preferences for an exceptional dining experience.

Magnolia A La Carte
Magnolia Desert Menu
Mid Night Menu
Sri Lankan Rice & Curry
Pizza Menu
Magnolia Vegan Menu
Beverage Menu
Sir Edward Barnes Menu-A La Carte
Sir Edward Barnes Set Menu

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Magnolia All Day

  • Always open, serving you around the clock.
  • Varied menu to delight every discerning taste.
  • Indulge in the exquisite Sir Edward Barnes Menu.
  • Attentive staff ensures service satisfaction 24/7.
  • Artisanal pastries and sweets with a wide range.

07.00 AM - 10.00 PM

10.30 PM - 7.00 AM

Table Reservation

Reserve your seat, savor the moment – Where Tables Meet Taste

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